Sunday, March 13, 2016

Sunday's Finest

Gosh, I've just been so busy that I didn't even get a chance to post this until 8:38 this morning.

I've been dealing with the idea of people and how they come and go throughout our lives. I use to be such a people pleaser and went out of my way to not lose people.

In recent years I've come to see and handle this issue - which supplied much of the ammunition for my young heartache - in a new light. I recently ran into an old pal at a political rally here in Boise, Idaho. We haven't seen or spoken in quite some time. They called me over and spent a few minutes telling me about their hangover and how great their life has been in recent months and I was glad for them. The only sound came from the crowd around us for a moment. With no introduction to their circle standing around them or questions in return I in turn decided to turn around, walk away, and continue working the rally that I had showed up for.

I've been through a lot since the time when we were buds and they have aswell. Neither of us are the same people we were and neither of us really care for the person the other is now. If I were seventeen this realization would have sent me into a hysteric frenzy, but now... it doesn't. I thought about wondering on the 'why not' (as in why doesn't it bother me anymore) question but thought I would have a beer and go to bed instead.

Today is new, and everything else is in the past. If people are meant to stay in our lives or cross back through, they will.

Until then here is Sunday's Finest:

"It doesn’t matter how loyal you are to someone. You can’t change someone’s heart and bad habits unless they want to themselves." - Unknown (DeepLife Quotes)

"Trust that everything is in the right order and you are right where you need to be. Don’t worry, don’t stress, don’t anticipate. Just be." - Unknown (DeepLife Quotes)

"There are some people you’ll never see again. At least, not in the same way."
- Iain Thomas (DeepLife Quotes)

Have a great (hopefully lazy) Sunday.

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